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PanGeo Subsea Awarded $5 Million Decommissioning Campaign from Couvillion Group


PanGeo Subsea, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kraken Robotics, Canada’s Ocean Company™, today announced the award of a $5 Million Acoustic Corer™ contract in the US Gulf of Mexico. Couvillion Group issued this decommissioning project to PanGeo for commencement in Q2, 2022. This 90-day campaign is the largest Acoustic Corer™ project undertaken by the Company to date.

In 2004, a storm induced mudslide caused an offshore jacket to topple. The jacket has been lying on the seafloor in 150 meters of water with the subsea conductors buried under 60 meters of mud.  PanGeo will use its high-resolution sub-seabed imaging technology to identify where the conductors are located in the debris field to provide valuable information to enable the planning of the plug and abandonment of the well.

In addition to this debris survey, PanGeo has recently been issued a Letter of Intent  for a multi-million-dollar Acoustic Corer™ campaign (50 days) for an offshore wind farm in the Baltic where it will be imaging boulders in the sub-seabed mitigating the risk for pile refusal.

Other technologies in the PanGeo services portfolio include the ROV mounted Sub-Bottom Imager™ and the Remotely Operated Towed Vehicle the SeaKite™.  These technologies acquire sub-seabed 3D acoustic synthetic aperture sonar to resolutions better than 10 cm.

Moya Cahill, PanGeo’s CEO said, 
“The Acoustic Corer™ delivers a unique solution to the industry that has been tried and proven by the Couvillion Group in a demonstration project in 2019.  We are truly excited to return to this site and work with the Couvillion team to complete a full site investigation of the debris field.”

“We believe that PanGeo has the key to unlock the unknowns below the seafloor that will ultimately enable a successful plug and abandonment of the well”, said Couvillion Group’s CEO, Timmy Couvillion.

KeyFacts Energy Industry Directory: PanGeo Subsea

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